The Executive Board has made a decision after consulting with the USW International New Media department, and they have agreed to re-enable the comment section. There is a set of new rules and guidelines in place that will be monitored and must be followed. Please read the message below. Thank you for everyone's patience as this issue was being worked out.".



USW 10-00086 Members.

Policy Concerning All Social Media Platforms.

Posts or Comments will be held to our International guidelines.

USW Local 10-00086 will be enforcing the International Media Policy (as seen below)

1st Violation-A conversation regarding the policy and what part of it was violated.

2nd Violation-30 Day suspension from all USW 10-00086 Social Media interactions.

3rd Lifetime Ban from all USW 10-00086 Social Media interactions.

Violations 2 and 3 may be appealed to our Executive Board.


USW Social Media Post and Comment Policy

* No foul, discriminatory, defamatory, libelous, or threatening language.

* No invasion of privacy; no racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable language.

* Do not post material in violation of trademark or copyright laws or other laws.

*Comments should be relevant to the post. If you have unrelated questions or comment, please send a private message to our pages, or contact the Union office.

*No attacks that identify individuals, companies, unions, or other organizations.

*No spam, flaming, flooding, advertisements, or solicitations.