USW Sisters and Brothers,


Our Local Union Executive Board has determined that due to the Covid-19 pandemic this local is unable to safely hold an in-person nomination of officers meeting. On a one time basis due solely to Covid-19 nominations and election of officers and plant committee will be done by mail. We have retained Elections USA to once again help facilitate our election process.


We are not alone, all USW Locals are dealing with elections during a pandemic. The International Executive Board met January 21st 2021 to work on a solution. After that meeting, a meeting took place with John Ash (Our Staff Rep.) to go over the outcome of the International Executive Board meeting. That is where we received the guidance and direction to move forward. The International has made some allowances in order to allow Local Unions conduct their business.


Look for a mailing from Elections USA in the near future, mailings will begin Feb. 8th. The information you will receive will go into much more detail and outline the entire process. If you have moved recently and have not changed your address in your Merck profile please let us know.


This process is new to all of us. This is the first of many communications to take place throughout the election process.


In Solidarity,


Mike Gauger

President USW Local 10-00086

Medical trustee Chair

Office # 215-652-6555

Cell # 215-880-3653