This week's Member Spotlight focuses on our very own Sherman Washington, and here is his journey.

My name is Sherman Washington, and I’ve been fortunate to be a USW member for nearly 15 years. Currently, I am a Biotechnician Working Lead for B66, Rotavirus.  Throughout my tenure I have been fortunate enough to work with various products in the roles of a biotechnician and EM technician.

Through the mentorship of more senior members, I was able to channel my voice on the USW Compliance Team, Safety Team and Civil and Human Rights Committee. I take pride in the union's advocacy for those who may not be aware of their rights.

I have been a part of the USW from the start of my Merck career, and have found great value in this membership. Specifically, I have had the opportunity to attend external training sessions on labor-related topics, which have been beneficial to our membership. As a member of the E-Board, I'm proud to work in this union where unwavering support, diverse thought, and camaraderie among the members are paramount.

Outside of work I am passionate about serving my community and volunteering with youth-focused programs. I am a believer in the saying “to whom much is given, much is expected”, therefore I feel it’s an obligation for me to give back to the communities where I live and work with an expectation to leave my mark for the future generations. Part of my service comes from being an active member on the Saint Joseph’s Preparatory School Board of Trustees, GESU Board of Trustees,  Co-owner of Common Ground Management Inc and Board member of Athletic Club of Fairhill, a free soccer academy for under-resourced children in Philadelphia.

As a born and raised Philadelphian, it gives me pride to remain living in a city whose' success is dependent on the continual support from active community members. It takes a village to build a strong community and my wife, 2 sons and I find joy in being part of this transformative journey.  
If you see Sherman around campus please stop and introduce yourself.


**If you or anyone you know would like to be spotlighted please reach out to Jimmy Ford @215-933-8435 or send an email to