Teaching Tuesday Communications Committee

Teaching Tuesday Communications Committee

This week Teaching Tuesday is about the Communications Committee. We will continue to educate our members about various opportunities we have to get involved. Committees are great ways to get involved if you're not interested in being a shop steward or an officer. Unon starts with you.

Teaching Tuesday Organizing Committee

Teaching Tuesday Organizing Committee

For this weeks Teaching Tuesday we would like to tak about the Organizing Committee. If planning events and bringing people together is your calling this is the committee for you. The Organizing Committee needs your help.

Teaching Tuesday

Teaching Tuesday

This weeks Teaching Tuesday will cover the Women Of Steel Committee. Committees are great ways to get involved and they are open to everyone. These are the groups that make it happen for our Union! The Women Of Steel Committee needs your help.

Teaching Tuesday

Teaching Tuesday

For this week’s Teaching Tuesday we will cover Weingarten Rights.

Our Members Showing Support

Our Members Showing Support

Our USW members and the Merck Veteran’s Leadership Network joined together with the Merck Credit Union and sent this US Army Platoon a large care package. They were most appreciative to say the least.

Eagles Autism Challenge 5K

Eagles Autism Challenge 5K

USW Local 10-00086 Next Gen had a Team of 13 members and family running/walking in the Eagles Autism Challenge 5K today!

Monday Morning Member Spotlight.

Monday Morning Member Spotlight.

This week, we're delighted to introduce Steven J. Reed, a highly active and passionate member of our Local. Without further ado, let's get to know him better.

Monday Morning Member Spotlight

Monday Morning Member Spotlight

Well it’s that time again for another Monday Morning Member Spotlight and this week we have Craig Leopold on deck. A little background about me. I was born and raised in Edison, NJ and attended undergrad at Stevens Institute of Technology majoring in Chemical Biology (despite what Dave Portnoy said about “Stevens College” being a fake school in one of his pizza reviews, I can confirm it is in fact real). After undergrad, I attended Arcadia University for my Master’s in Forensic Science and later earned my MBA from Wilmington University. Prior to Merck, I worked as a lab analyst in a forensic/clinical testing lab for over 4 years before working as a contractor and supervisor in the forensic lab for AFMES down in Dover, DE. I joined Merck in August of 2020 right in the middle of Covid as a biotechnician in department 245, B12.