Brothers and Sisters,
These questions are for your own personal financial situation and should be kept private. The goal is to make each member self-reflect on their own situation and attempt to address any financial issues they may have. Everyone has different circumstances and life goals. The idea is to make our members think and do the best they can to plan and prepare for 2025 and beyond. Small changes in your decision-making can have a major long-term benefit to each individual.
Read each question below and if you answer no to 4 or more, you may want to try to re-evaluate your spending patterns, start a budget (if not already) and have a plan to stay ahead of your financial obligations or payments. If you need help, the finance committee has resources available. Haddon Planning is coming on site September 18th and can help give you a free financial plan. If you need to reach out to anyone on the finance committee don’t hesitate. All conversations are private.
USW Finance Committee
John Beidler: [email protected]
Paul McKeown: [email protected]
Sherman Washington: [email protected]